The Global Climate Change Foundation is an international organization founded by Md. Nasir Uddin in 2019. Global climate change Foundation –GCCF is legally registered under the Cameroon and France Government as well. Cameroon Reg. No. 20 RDA/C17/SP and France Reg. No. W952014713 . We are Registered organizations of the European Commission . GCCF PIC Code of European Commission 882965393. We are CSO Parliamentarians of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund . Our Reg. No. 179-465236-4126 as a CSO Parliamentarians. GCCFwas participants of COP27. Currently made up of 240 Country Coordinator , 1000+ international Delegate and 40 Deputy country Director from 167 Countries. Our implemented projects are 260k+ tree plantation , 100+ climate strike , 150+ school afforestation event , 12 International climate summit , green building , sanitation etc. We have collaboration with 148 Organizations where 115 are accredited from the United Nations .
GCCF is an official member of IUCN-International Union for Conservation of Nature. This membership of the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), has been approved for the 2021-2025 quadrennial period.
Our main focus is cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions re-absorbed from the atmosphere, by oceans and forests for instance. Reducing its emissions of climate-warming greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, and also removing excess carbon from the atmosphere in order to avert irreversible damage to Earth’s life-support systems. This will necessitate a swift and extensive switch to clean and renewable energy sources. In addition to focusing on climatic factors, we also work to increase employment possibilities. As a result, the global economy has become stronger and has more healthy people in it, and the GDP growth has changed significantly.